
Peer reading & editing

How was peer reading/editing? Peer reading/editing was very beneficial.

Was it helpful? If so, how? Yes it was helpful, made me pay more attention to sentence structures and vocab use. The whole process also made me think more about my speech.

Did you receive constructive feedback from your peers? Yes, my peers were very helpful. Being on the same language level, makes it easier to receive/apply feedback.

How did you feel about giving feedback? Giving feedback was kind of tricky becasue I had to make sure that my suggestions were correct.

Did peer reading/editing give you a chance to re-think about your draft as well? Definitely, it made me realize that my first draft was too general (needed more details/reasons).

Overall, I think that peer reading/editing speeches was very helpful. Without it, I probably wouldn't have been so critical towards my own speech. By reading and editing my peer's speeches, I was forced to focus on sentence structure, vocab, and overall flow. Peer reading & editing encourages you to challenge yourself and your peers.

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