

This semester's Japanese class was great. Although this class was a bit difficult at times, I'm glad I stayed in it. Learning the basics of Japanese was very beneficial for me. By reviewing basic Japanese grammar, I believe I've made my 'foundation' in Japanese a lot stronger. I initially thought that JAPN 101 would basically be a review class for me, but I've actually learned a lot this semester. Overall, the 10 o'clock section was a lot of fun-there were a lot of entertaining skits and kaiwa sessions.

The speech project was very beneficial. When practicing my speech: I was able to focus more on pronunciation and fluency. I'm also glad that we were allowed to use a few new words: it let me elaborate more on my topic. Peer reading/editing was also very helpful. Peer reading/ editing forced me to focus on sentence structure, vocab, and overall flow. and encouraged me to further challenge myself and my peers.


Peer reading & editing

How was peer reading/editing? Peer reading/editing was very beneficial.

Was it helpful? If so, how? Yes it was helpful, made me pay more attention to sentence structures and vocab use. The whole process also made me think more about my speech.

Did you receive constructive feedback from your peers? Yes, my peers were very helpful. Being on the same language level, makes it easier to receive/apply feedback.

How did you feel about giving feedback? Giving feedback was kind of tricky becasue I had to make sure that my suggestions were correct.

Did peer reading/editing give you a chance to re-think about your draft as well? Definitely, it made me realize that my first draft was too general (needed more details/reasons).

Overall, I think that peer reading/editing speeches was very helpful. Without it, I probably wouldn't have been so critical towards my own speech. By reading and editing my peer's speeches, I was forced to focus on sentence structure, vocab, and overall flow. Peer reading & editing encourages you to challenge yourself and your peers.












あたらしいたんご: はいります-join & とそうします-paint








わたしはせんしゅうのしゅうまつに、うちへかえりました。わたしのうちはバージニアにあります。わたしのうちはドレスのくうこう (airport) のちかくです。わたしはうちでおかあさんとはなしました。おとうさんともはなしました。ばんにわたしのおばさん(aunt)のうちにいきました。おばさんのうちでパーティーがありました。パーティーでにくとごはんをたくさんたべました。それから、フィリピンごのテレビをみました。フィリピンごをはなしません。どもわたしのかぞくはフィリピンごをはなします。日曜日にバージニアだいがくへかえりました。わたしのりょうでたくさんべんきょうをしました。それからクーキーをたべました。一時ごろねました。




The topic for today is: what's in a good blog?
I've never had a blog before this year, but after looking at everyone else's blog..I've noticed a couple of good things:
1. short stories-can be either related to the study of japanese or compeltely random
2. sense of humor-basically a good blog shows that the "Blogger" is having fun with the assignment
3. pictures or videos-are always nice, that way your blog isn't just words, words, words
4. study tips-something that may be obvious to you may be compeletely new to someone else
5. original/engaging topics-if you're enthusiastic/excited about something, tell us about it...

On another note: I'm inviting all of you to OYFA's FILIPINO FOOD NIGHT!!
When: Friday, October 19th 5PM - 8 PM
Where: Wesley Foundation (on Emmett, across from the bookstore)
How much: $5 pre-sale, $7 at the door
Why: To eat delicious pancit[noodles], lumpia [eggrolls], and rice.
All proceeds go towards the OYFA Excellence Scholarship and the John Steve Catilo Scholarship.

I hope all of you have a great weekend!


Buz and Ned's

I guess I'll use this blog post to share what I did during the Fall Reading Days.
きんようびにバジニアテークへいきました。ダイオログにいきました。たくさんあたらしいひとにあいました。それからホムプレイス のレスタランへいきました。ホムプェイスでたくさんたべものをたべました。そして、たくさんレモネイドをのみました。 どようびにリチモンドへいきました。リチモンドでたくさんをしました。ばんに Buz and Ned'sにいきました。Buz and Ned's のにくはとてもおいしいですよ。にちようびにリチモンドでかいものをしました。二つのぼうしをかいました。それから二時にわたしのりょうへかえりました。

Here are some pictures of the food we ordered at Buz and Ned's.

Pork BBQ sandwich and Pork BBQ ribs!!




Here's a study tip: To practice my ひらがな、カタカナ、and vocabulary I use a Fisher Price DoodlePro. You may remember using a DoodlePro back when you were in preschool and/or kindergarten.

So why does a DoodlePro serve as an effective study tool?? Repetitive writing is very beneficial (helps you memorize and practice writing at the same time)-that's where the DoodlePro is most effective--you can erase your work and start from scratch. If you don't have a DoodlePro, a white-board will work just as well. *the DoodlePro is also great for practicing kanji!!*
<--My DoodlePro

As for fluency in Japanese: I found that using the LL is the best way to learn correct pronunciations. If you really take your time and focus on how each phrase or word is said--you should see improvements in your fluency. When you're comfortable with pronunciations, you become more willing to use the language.
I hope this helps. Good Luck everyone!!



こんばんは.Yesterday in class we practiced the question: Charlottesville はどのアイスクリームがおいしいですか. and the immediate answer was Arch's のアイスクリームがおいしいです. So..later that night I went with a couple of my hall mates to Arch's and it was とてもおいしい。Just in case you're wondering, I got a cup of vanilla with brownie batter :D Arch's のアイスクリームはたかくありませんね。Brownie batter is only ななじゅうなな cents です。

*in addition* I just noticed that Sato sensei added new topics for us to blog about.
The semester so far has been pretty crazy for me. For the past couple of weeks I've been swamped with readings and papers. Fortunately, I believe I'm starting to get used to the pace of my classes and I'm starting to catch up. Although the semester so far has been very busy and stressful, I always make sure that I take some time out of my day to relax and enjoy the amazing atmosphere UVA has. I know this semester is going to be challenging at times, but with proper planning and time management, I'm sure that I'll be alright.

Japanese class: I'm really glad that I decided to take Japanese this semester. I feel that our review activities in class are really effective-truly forces you understand and apply what you read in the text. The daily work involved with the class has helped me stay motivated when it comes to other classes. Class moves at a quick-pace, but it looks like everyone's adapting to it-props to the people that haven't had any prior experience with Japanese. All of you are doing magnificiently.




Here's some pictures on the Lawn during the first week of classes. (The pink lawn flamingos were flyers for the Glee Club.)